It's known that June doesn't always bring about the nicest weather and 2015 is no exception here in the Maritimes. I feel like we are stuck in April/May with the cooler temperatures and rainy skies, but this past weekend the sun decided to make a nice warm appearance and Adam, Oliver and I, took advantage of the vitamin D.
We had planned on walking to the
Farmers market, but ended up sitting on our deck and enjoying the rays while sipping on some fresh brew (coffee in Adam's case, and tea in mine). By the time we ventured out it was roughly 10am and decided to grab some grub and take a little hike along a trail in Stratford.
We did our "walk around" of the market, picked up some bacon/sausages for Adam and I decided on a veggie burrito (which was yummy). We stood outside and listened to some acoustic music before heading over to the trail. The atmosphere at a farmers market always brings a smile to my face. Although there are not a lot of fruits and vegetables being sold at the moment, I love witnessing the artisans and their crafts. There is such a wide range of creativity, from food, drink, art, music etc ... and each has its own unique appeal. *Below is a snidbit of the relaxed ambience.

Our venture to the trail was short lived! Oliver turned 4 earlier this month, and Adam and I continuously say that ever since he was about 3 1/2 he has really become obedient. We've never really had any issue with him in the past, but these last 6 months he can be walked without a leash and listens so well when outside. This behaviour has caused us to spend a lot more time outside jogging, playing fetch and putting around the yard. So needless to say he roamed freely on the trail. As soon as we arrived we were greeted by another dog and Oliver was off playing chase. No more than 3 minutes goes by and I can see Oliver 25 feet away, wading in a HUGE mud puddle. No amount of calling his name was bring him out of the black hole. While Adam and I tried our damnedest to lure Oliver out of the puddle, we were caught swearing and slapping the abundance of mosquitos itching to suck all our blood. Right then and there Adam and I knew this wasn't a good idea (all this rain causes mud puddles and insects prowling for fresh blood). We wanted to turn around but had one filthy dog on our hands, so we ran down the trial to a small river and with no hesitation Oliver went for a dip.
(The water was clear before our boy entered!!!)
Oliver LOVES the water.
Our friends the
Condon's live near the trail and we couldn't drive by without stopping in to see their new puppy, Coco. She is a Shorkie (Shih tzu/ Yorkie mix) and might weight 1.5 lbs. She was adorable and Adam and I fought on who was going to hold her.

Cuteness overload
After spending some quality time outside with Coco ... oh and our friends, Oliver had dried off some and it was time to head to the beach. We dropped Oliver off at home, picked up our buddy Ian and took off to
Brackley Beach. It was a quick visit but fun none the less. We dipped our toes in the water, relaxed, played some Frisbee and Ian did a water colour painting.
On our way back to town we stopped at
Jewell's Country Market and grabbed some ice-cream. We viewed their garden centre then enjoyed our treat outside while feeding the goats.
Look at that fudge
Later in the evening we decided we would go out for an early father's day supper (Adam is Ollie's daddy, right?!?) I'd heard some great things about
Famous Peppers and it did not disappoint. We opted to eat in because the smell of the pizza was too tempting and we couldn't wait to take it home. It was so delicious, we pretty much ate in silence!
My roasted red pepper pizza.
First bite .... actually it was my 4th. Couldn't wait to take the picture.
Fun menu. Adam had the barbecue chicken pizza.
It was a fun filled weekend shared with my boys. We were all pretty tired come bedtime but Adam and I managed to watch an episode of OITNB (Orange Is The New Black).
Me fighting to stay awake...
Ollie just couldn't last!
I hope you all enjoyed the past weekend and are gearing up for Canada/ Independence Day celebrations.
Do you have anything planned?
We have friends visiting the city and will be camping with our "crew" later in the week.
** Crossing fingers for sun in July!!!