Monday, March 9, 2015

The Liebster award ~ discover new bloggers

As you can see from the few posts I have, I'm a new blogger who started in late January of this year. With that being said, last week I was nominated by Holly from Hollyshousewifelife ( check her out) to participate in the Liebster award. The premise behind this award is to answer a few questions about yourself and your blog and tag other new-ish bloggers and award them as well.

So let's get the party started, shall we ...

1. How did you decide on the title of your blog?

It took me approximately 3 days to come up with a blog name. Initially I wanted " One of the Terrios" but that was taken, and then I was thinking on the lines of "Balance and Bliss" but after thinking about it, I found it to be to vague. So back to the drawing board where I was thinking about creating a name that might  have an abbreviation like PEI ... "prettiest Erins Island" ... nothing was really resonating with me so I thought, what about just something simple like "All Things Erin", and then decided to add the Leigh as that is my middle name. 

2. Why did you start blogging?

Honestly, the reason I started blogging was the accountability I wanted to provide myself when writing out my goals for 2015. Over the past 6 months, in preparation for moving I've come to realize that I have a lot of material things and I wanted to start using up the things I have. A mentality of "finish what you started" formed and I was able to place that thinking into a few aspects of my life. In June 2014, I started my weight loss journey and to date I'm down 64 lbs. I've bought so many makeup and beauty products and although I hardly ever wear makeup I love skincare goods, so it's a big goal of mine to work though the countless products I have. I go through stages of reading, and I've had books on the shelf going on months now ... I need to set out time to read and get away from Facebook.
Also, since moving away from our families and friends, I figured it would be a great outlet for me, considering I moved here not knowing anyone. Plus, it is a way to keep in touch with home, and in hopes that our beloved will see how much fun we are having here in PEI and want to visit. Selfish I know... but it's the truth. 

3. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would it be and why?

I would want to visit Africa. Ever since I was a little girl I always had a dream of going to Africa to help those in need. Not only the beauty of the people are intriguing, it's the landscape and the wildlife. I mean who wouldn't want to see Elephants in their natural habitat? 

4. What is your favourite food?

I love a good salad filled with greens, seeds, beets, goat cheese, chickpeas, figs etc. But my guilty pleasure is definitely a Margherita pizza from Pomodori in Rothesay, NB. Oh my, I love love love it. 

5. What is your favourite thing to do with your spare time?

There are a number of things I like to do, paint my nails, take a bath, take Oliver to the park, read, blog, bake and hang out with Adam. I usually seek out spare time within my week to accomplish these things. 

6. Where is your dream vacation spot?

If I've already taken the trip to Africa, then Europe it is. There are to many countries to name that I would want to visit, vacation and explore. If I could do it with Adam, all the better. 

7. Beach or mountains?

Ekks, that is hard. I mean I really appreciate the relaxing nature of a beach but now as I get older an adventure hiking a mountain sounds just as appealing. It's a tie!

8. Are you a dog or cat person?

           DOG DOG DOG ... this guy is our Best Friend !

9. A long lost relative gives you a large sum of money, what do you do with it?

I'd open my own shop, jewellery, clothing and art. With an open spot in the back to hold workshops (yoga, pottery, life drawing, etc)  or host a gallery on off hours. 
I'd invest the rest and take some to spend on experiences.

10. Where do you see your blog going in the next year?

I'd like it to grow a little bit and maybe if I have the nerve I'll start a Youtube channel to do reviews on. I enjoying the more "down to earth " blogs that aren't overly fancy and offer their viewers/followers some genuine input/information and entertainment. I hope to see more people comment on my posts so I can acknowledge their support. 

11. Where does your blog inspiration come from?

Really, this is just me being Erin. If anything my blog is more lifestyle geared and I look forward to posting about the things I do alongside my best friends, Adam and Oliver. My inspiration comes from knowing I have a charming yet simple life and I wish to share those everyday sparkles with others. 

Here are a few blogs I nominate and encourage you to read.


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